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Zalman Shneur (1887 – 20 February 1959) was a prolific bilingual Yiddish and Hebrew poet and writer. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature

He Had wrote an extensive, intricately plotted historical novel [Keyser un rebe (Emperor and Rabbi) with a book-form edition in five volumes; 1944–1952], in which he attempted to bring together the history of the nascent Lubavitch Hasidic movement and its founder, Reb Shneur Zalman of Liady, the career of Napoleon from soldier of the French Revolution to France’s emperor, and the secret incestuous history of a respected family of Jewish Shklov’s upper crust.

Here is a chapter from the first volume which describes the famous Jewish Rabbi, The  Gaon of Vilna, which was the great enemy of the Hasidic movement.

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Restless Spirit: Selected Writings of Zalman Shneour, English versions by Moshe Spiegel. New York ; London: Thomas Yoseloff, 1963.

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picture of The Gaon of Vilna

For more information about Zalman Snheur see:

Zalman Shneur – Wikipedia
YIVO | Shneour, Zalman
Zalman Shneour – The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature

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השאר תגובה

אנו שמחים על תגובותיכם. מנגנון האנטי-ספאם שלנו מייצר לעתים דף שגיאה לאחר שליחת תגובה. אם זה קורה, אנא לחצו על כפתור 'אחורה' של הדפדפן ונסו שוב.

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